ECSA 2008 encourages submission of papers describing basic and applied research, novel applications and experience reports (in addition to research challenges) on all topics related to software architectures (e.g. component-based and service-oriented architectures) including, but not limited to:
- architecture description languages and metamodels,
- architectural models, patterns and styles,
- architecture analysis, validation and verification,
- architecture transformation and refinement,
- architecture-based synthesis, code generation,
- architecture-based support for reconfigurable, adaptive or mobile applications,
- requirements engineering and software architectures,
- quality attributes and software architectures,
- architecture reengineering, recovery,
- architecture conformance, run-time monitoring,
- aspect-oriented software architectures,
- service-oriented architectures,
- web services: composition, orchestration, choreography,
- ontology-based approaches for component and architecture description,
- process and management of architectural decisions,
- process models and frameworks for architecture-centric software engineering,
- architecture-centric model driven engineering,
- architectural features of Model Driven Architecture (MDA),
- software tools and environments for architecture-centric software engineering,
- architectural styles and models for applications based on mature and emerging technologies (Web Services, Java/J2EE, .Net, ...),
- architectural concerns of autonomic systems,
- component-based models, middleware, component-based deployment,
- technology of components and component-based frameworks,
- industrial applications, case studies, best practices and experience reports on software architecture,
- other aspects and applications related to software architecture.