The west coast town of Paphos focuses around an attractive little
harbour whose picturesque open air fish restaurants line a quayside of bright fishing boats and pleasure craft. With a population of just 28.000 Paphos nestles in the lee of the Western Troodos Mountains which add another dimension to this area of scenic beauty. Paphos has an air of holiday charm combined with history, and olden-day elegance is lent to the town by its classical style buildings in the upper part of to
wn which leads to the shopping area. The lower part of the town - known as Kato Paphos - has a life of its own, down near the sea, home of the harbour, the fish taverns, souvenir shops and several
beautiful hotels with important archaeological sites around them. Paphos is entwined with Gre
ek mythology, and the legendary birth of Afrodite . These legends brought her shores fame and worshippers who came to follow the cult of the Goddess. Landmarks associated with Afrodite are the chunky, rugged rocks of her beautiful birthshore known as the Afrodite Rocks or "Petra tou Romiou", the evocative sanctuary of Afrodite at Kouklia Village, one-time shrine and scene of pagan festivals for thousands, the Baths of Afrodite at Polis , supposed source of fertility and the Fountain of Love , or Fontana Amorosa , a few miles further into the Akamas Peninsula. Even the town's name is linked to the Goddess, for Paphos was the name of the mythological daughter of Venus and Pygmalion . Paphos became the capital of Cyprus under the successors of Alexander the Great , the Ptolemies, and in those days its harbour was a busy, thriving port. It continued as the island's first city for more than seven centuries, retaining its importance under Roman rule. Its most famous Governor Sergius Paulus , was converted to Christianity by St Paul in 45 AD. But Paphos history dates back a great deal further. In fact the whole area abounds in historical and archaeological treasures.